One Station media

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About Us

One Station Media was created to bring innovative mobile communication solutions and strategies to agencies and advertisers. We develop integrated campaigns, with a strong arm of Ad Tech, which allows advanced segmentation, data extraction, specific creation of audience insights on user behavior.
One Station Media offers all the operational infrastructure necessary to provide security and transparency in our transactions. There are more than 25 employees in the commercial, financial, operations, performance, purchase management in RTB and etc. Always focused on the best delivery for our business partners

Entregamos solução completa para compra de mídia, que permite gerar métricas incrementais e solução de ponta a ponta para gerenciar campanhas de proximidade, com métricas de atribuição de visitas (footfall) em tempo real, criação de públicos baseado na geolocalização, audience insights, data pool, comportamento do consumidor e novas mídia como TV Conectada e nossa exclusiva tecnologia household sync . E tudo isso alinhado com as leis gerais de proteção de dados (LGPC, GDPR e CCPA).

We are prepared to live in a world without cookies, working with behavioral information impacting consumers when browsing, when they are at home or on the move.
More than just buying and selling media, we deliver digital communication solutions!

Our vision

To be a company that values ​​excellence, innovation, learning and continuous improvement in the quality of our deliveries in digital and data media, making it a reference for agencies and advertisers.

Our mission

Connect people and brands through technology, to generate business with commercial and strategic value, uniting supply and demand, contributing to the growth of a healthy relationship with our partners and contributing to a more ethical, mature, transparent and humane market.

Trusted by hundreds of businesses worldwide